On the morning of September 12, The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) hosted a panel on the role of adoption and adoption policy in the post-Dobbs era. Panelists had an in-depth discussion regarding the findings in “Profiles in Adoption” — the most extensive study of adoptive parents ever conducted — and commissioned research on public attitudes toward adoption. The program, “Adoption After Dobbs,” was held in the AEI Auditorium and live streamed virtually. The video of the event can be found here.
After welcoming those in attendance, Naomi Schaefer Riley, a senior fellow at AEI, introduced the program’s three panelists — providing each with an opportunity to make opening remarks. Ryan Hanlon, President of the National Council for Adoption, outlined some of the demographics regarding who is getting adopted, who is adopting, and what contemporary adoption looks like in the United States. John Knox, Founder of Opt Institute, spoke about his work in the area of adoption and Opt Institute’s role in funding studies of adoption. Elizabeth Kirk, Director of the Center for Law and the Human Person at Catholic Law, focused her comments on the role of women’s decision-making in regard to adoption, especially vis-à-vis abortion.
Following the panelists’ remarks, they engaged in a discussion moderated by Riley. Riley posed a series of questions including a deeper look at the findings from the “Profiles in Adoption” study, the roles of religion and medical professionals in adoption decisions, and the concept of “openness” in contemporary adoption practices. To conclude the panel, the discussion was opened to questions from the audience.
The Center for Law and the Human Person looks forward to continuing the conversation with the event, “The Role of Adoption in a Post-Dobbs America,” to be held on September 22, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at Catholic Law. To learn more about the event, visit the Center’s Upcoming Events page.